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Welcome to pipesfamily.com, my web page for the Pipes family in the United States. 

This site is dedicated to the history of our Pipes forebears and their military service. Our goals are to identify all persons named Pipes who were born before 1900 and connect them to the proper branch of the family and to document as many military careers as possible. We also enjoy documenting our connections to the history of this great country. You will find Pipes ancestors involved in almost every major historical event in this country.


 "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

 An Amazing story about WWII told by Robert Felton Pipes. He was a waist gunner in a B24 Liberator, shot down over Europe and survived without capture.

The Playboy Crew 1943-44 Memoirs of WWII


Union Cemetery In Boyle County, Kentucky. The resting place for 3 generations of our Pipes  ancestors.
 Visit Union Cemetery


I offer my apologies for the "oldness" of this web page. I started it many years ago, built it myself  and have upgraded the start page several times. It needs it again and the added complexity of having it fit on multiple platforms and screen sizes is challenging. Old dogs need to learn new tricks. I am working now on fixing broken links, converting old MS Word files and html files to PDFs. Meanwhile all the data is still there even if it is a little clunky. Be patient Please!

DATE Heading Comment
10/22/2024 Military Updated the military History File for William Edward Pipes WWII
03/24/2023 CENSUS I  have added a new Heading above Named CENSUS for all such data
03/16/2023 History 2 Photos on the Photos Page, Anderson Pipes & Robert Farrar Pipes Family
03/15/2023 HIstory Added a PDF that shows John Pipes Sr Marriage record in 1735
03/02/2023 Military Added 2 New Soldiers in my Revolutionary War Ancestors List
02/01/2023 Genealogy A New Article/Genealogy Report on Hiram Pipes by John Hawkins
0209/5/2022 Military Several New PDFs And Info On Veterans
11/02/2021 General An Update to the Old Union Cemetery Book is available.
The update adds 7 names to the list of those buried there.
You may download it here and print it for an addition to your book.
It is a large PDF file with Death Certs and Obits for each person
Old Union Cemetery Update Document
03/03/2018 General Announcing 2018

A new hardcover book about The Old Union Cemetery.
It is ready for shipping NOW!
All proceeds from sale of the book will go to the Harmon Pipes Gray Family Association for care and maintenance of the Old Union Cemetery.
If you are a descendant of John Pipes Jr., Michael Harmon, John Gray or Robert Montgomery or have interest in the history of Mercer and Boyle Co., Kentucky then you must have this book!

Union Cemetery Book Cover

Almost 200 pages of history, pictures, an inventory of the cemetery, history of the Family Association, pictures and short bios of people resting there, maps, deeds, a Great Civil War article and much, much more.
Send me an email to reserve a copy.
Price is 40 dollars per copy
Free Shipping upon receipt of payment
More Information And Random Pages
(A PDF File)
Read User Comments Here
Contact me for your copy
02/14/2016  History A Series of Articles - The Edwards Family Grail
01/26/2016 General Announcing  2016

A new book about the Pipe & Pipes Surnames. Written by David Pipes from England and published thru Amazon by www.pipesfamily.com.

See my preview with comments here

Amazon Now Has a Page by Page Preview

Purchase Directly From Bob Pipes Email ME Better Price

Purchase it here on Amazon

Purchase it here from Createspace

We receive twice the Royalties from Createspace


05/14/2014 General

Announcing 2015

My book about Obediah and Josephine and the Pipes family in central Kentucky is ready to ship.

It is 8.5" x 11" and 258 pages of family history, pictures, stories and information.

Go here to see a preview of the book

This preview is a PDF slide show.

Purchase the Book Directly From Bob Pipes Email ME  Better Price

Buy the book direct from CreateSpace, the printer/publisher

Buy the book on Amazon.com

Please tell everyone you know who has an interest in our Pipes and Edwards family history to purchase the book for their family.

01/24/2016 General I have not added new articles or research items recently BUT.. I do update the genealogy files on a regular basis and sometime update existing articles for corrections etc. 

Please continue to send me additional information or questions about the History of the Pipes family. 

I intend to keep doing this as long as I am able

eMail me at     pipesb@pipesfamily.com



Help us honor John Pipes Jr.

He was a soldier, a good man, and deserves our respect. Please help us as we preserve his burial place with a new stone that will last a long time. The Memorial Stone is now in place. Pictures and the story at the Cemetery Site.

Visit Our Union Cemetery Site


New Visitors: Look Here First

Cousin Ross Pipes has a blog about cooking and  family. See it here:

Grandpas Home Cooking

Cousin Arthur 'Randy' Pipes has contributed much to our Pipes Family History. He has a picture site about his family that you will enjoy.

Donate to pipesfamily.com

I hate to say this but I am retired now and could really use some help with the costs of all this. Annual Subscriptions, Domain Name Registrations etc. It adds up.

Thank You

All material contained herein copyright © by Robert J. Pipes The Pipes Family Home Page & www pipesfamily com 1996-2016